Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Holt French 1 Grammar Tutors Answers Many Questions Related to Language Learning

Holt French 1 Grammar Tutors Answers Many Questions Related to Language LearningHolt French 1 Grammar Tutors answers a lot of questions related to language learning and is one of the top language learning websites around. Many people believe that the best way to learn any language is through a structured way of doing it. Most schools follow the program as well as the regular way of doing it. They both look very similar but different things are going on with the curriculum and where the focus lies.Many people try to go about English as if they were speaking in their native language. This process is said to be highly effective but many people have had problems with it because they feel like they do not know what they are talking about or have difficulty in communicating with people outside of their own language. In general, when it comes to English a lot of people believe that the best way to learn it is through a structured program that is given to you from the beginning.However, ther e are a lot of different ways of learning that go beyond this process. They include free methods of learning such as learning by reading, listening to, and using the computer. Free methods are the most basic form of learning because they do not cost anything but can be very effective if you want to learn fast.However, you do not need to spend a lot of money to learn English. All you need is the right online course or program. A lot of people also believe that the best way to learn it is by going to a language school as long as the school does not charge you for tuition fees.Online courses have many advantages as compared to a class. For instance, when you sign up for an online course there is no need to attend a class in person which makes it easier to understand and learn better. Additionally, you get to have the same experience that you would at a language school, meaning that you will learn in the same pace and if you enjoy learning you can continue to learn in the same style.As a result, you can enjoy getting to study English whenever you like and can also take it to a different level in other areas. As an example, you can learn to speak English better while having your thoughts translated to Spanish. At the same time, you will become more interested in learning and communicating with other people.You should remember that you can also go on to learn a lot more besides just English. If you want to improve your overall career chances and become better at your job, then going on to learn some other languages is definitely something that is worth considering.

Friday, March 6, 2020

The French Revolution

The French Revolution What Were the Causes and Consequences of the French Revolution? ChaptersFrench Revolution TimelineHow the Revolution Changed Modern-Day FranceThe French Revolution of 1789 is perhaps one of the most famous events of French history.Many of the outcomes and consequences of the revolution have led to several key characteristics that define the political running of modern-day France as well as the values held by the French people.The Revolution marked a key point in French and European history as France transformed from a kingdom to a republic ruled by its people.But what are the circumstances which led to the beginning of the revolution? And what were the results of it?Superprof is here to explain all you need to know about the French revolution and how it laid the foundations for modern-day France! AnnieFrench Teacher 4.89 (9) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors CarolineFrench Teacher 5.00 (13) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriFrench Teacher 5.00 (9) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarianneFrench Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ThibautFrench Teacher 5.00 (3) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnnickFrench Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DéborahFrench Teacher 5.00 (10) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamyFrench Teacher 5.00 (2) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsFrench Revolution TimelineThe French Revolution of 1789 occurred for a variety of reasons, one of the main ones being the fact that the majority of the French population was unhappy with the way the country was being run in terms of economics and politics.Let’s take a look at a rough timeline of events which took placed before, during and after the French Revolution. ·                 A Difficult Financial ClimateA larger population and an economic boom meant that the 18th century was, for the most part, a period in which the French people enjoyed a higher standard of life than previously.Unfortunately, this period of pro sperity didn’t last long, and the end of the 1700’s saw a sharp downturn in the country’s economic stability as France’s leaders were faced with the debts accumulated whilst embroiled in various wars against the British in the American Revolution.The conflicts in which France took part were responsible for the country's debt ¦ source: VisualhuntThe reigning monarch at the time was King Louis XVI, who was to become the last monarch of France.In an attempt to solve his nation’s financial issues, the King turned to his financial advisors, whose opinion he could not have disagreed with more: that the French taxation system should be reformed.Louis was sure that there must have been another way for him to save his country from bankruptcy, so he sacked his advisors and turned to Charles de Calonne, his controller general, instead.Calonne advised King Louis that in order to raise funds to pay off the national debt, the French nobility and clergy â€" two groups of people who were previously exempt from tax â€" should now be liable to pay it.Once again, this advice was badly received by King Louis, but Calonne went ahead and tried to impose this new tax. As predicted, this did not go down well, and the aristocracy rejected Calonne’s demands.As King Louis XVI and Calonne scratched their heads, the country was driven further into economic crisis. In addition to the financial hardship, there was a feeling of frustration present within every sector of society. ·                 The Questioning of the Ancien RégimeWhile the aristocracy took offence at Calonne’s attempt to use their money to pay off the national debt, the rest of the population had already had enough of the way the country was being run.Years of poor crops made food expensive and drove France’s peasantry (known as the Third Estate), which made up the vast majority of the population, further into poverty under the feudal system while wealthy landowners contributed little to the state.In thei r confusion, King Louis XVI and Calonne arranged to meet with the Estates-General in 1789, a body representing the three sectors of French society, to discuss a solution: the clergy (First Estate), nobility (Second Estate) and the peasants (Third Estate).During the time before the meeting, each estate put together lists of their issues which were to be raised with the King. For the Third Estate, one of these issues was representation in the assembly. Although they accounted for ninety-eight percent of the population, the vote of the Third Estate could still be overruled by that of the First or Second.The importance of social status drove the call of political reform and set the scene for revolution, and the meeting did not go as the King has envisaged. Following the rejection of the Third Estate’s call for equal voting rights, they left the Estates-General and formed the National Assembly, which, given its popular advantage, was able to declare itself sovereign ruler of France. ·                 The National AssemblyThe formation of the National Assembly was the first major step towards revolution, and once its members had taken the Tennis Court Oath, revolution was on the cards.By taking the Tennis Court Oath, the National Assembly vowed to not disband until France had a new constitution. The Oath is so called because it took place on a tennis court near the palace of Versailles as the Assembly had been locked out of their usual meeting room there by King Louis XVI.The National Assembly continued to meet at Versailles while it was drafting a new constitution, but while there was a feeling of hope among French citizens, the population was also fearful that the King would attempt to regain control by mobilising his troops.This fear was addressed by acts of violence against symbols of the monarchy and power in the capital. The most notable attack, and the one which is believed to have signalled the beginning of the French Revolution was the storming of the Bas tille. ·                 The Storming of the BastilleThe Bastille was a fortress which had been built to protect Paris during the Hundred Years War which was being used as a prison. It was seen as a symbol of the abuse of power of the French royal family and aristocrats, and, knowing that it housed arms, the disgruntled Parisians attacked it, taking cannons and gunpowder as well as setting the prisoners free.The rebellious atmosphere also took hold of those outside of the city, and as the storming of the Bastille signalled the end of feudalism, rural peasants left their restrictive contracts and vandalised their landlords’ property.France’s debt problem was eventually solved by nationalising the land owned by the Church.Not only did this save France’s economy, but it also gave the lower-classes the chance to own property of their own.Bastille Day is celebrated every year on the 14th July ¦ source: Visualhunt - stephen.boakThe anti-feudalist fever which had swept the nation wa s put in writing with the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen. This Declaration was a document which inspired much of France’s post-revolution constitution.The document stated that all French citizens would have equal rights regardless of social class as well as free speech. One of the most important parts of the Declaration was the article on the end of feudalism and tax immunity.Several aspects of the Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen can be seen in the French constitution of today.However, although it seemed that the National Assembly was successfully implementing their ideas, new problems had come to light within the Assembly itself, when it came to addressing the controversial topic of the monarchy which left the National Assembly divided. ·                 Controversy Around the Role of the MonarchyThe groups of each side of the argument, the Girondins (who were in favour of giving the monarchy some constitutional power) and the Jaco bins (who wanted to abolish the monarchy altogether and form a republic) were at loggerheads.The first constitution reflected both sides of the argument, and the King was given the power to veto decisions made by the government.A Legislative Assembly was elected to run the country, and war was soon declared on Prussia and Austria as the Assembly feared a counter-revolution by the noble Frenchmen who had fled there. While they were dealing with this potential threat, the Jacobins started a campaign of violence against the King.This ended in the replacement of the Assembly by the newly-named National Convention. This was the government which abolished the French monarchy and ordered the execution of King Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, his wife in 1793.The monarchy has been abolished and the Jacobins had reached their goal, but the threat of a counter-revolution was too much for the Jacobin leader, Maximilien Robespierre, who condemned 15,000 people to death in what was known as the R eign of Terror.Robespierre’s life was also brought to an end when the court ruled that his killing spree was no longer helping to secure the safety of France.My Superprof tutor was really great about touching on French history during our French classes London!How the Revolution Changed Modern-Day FranceThe French Revolution completely reshaped the country’s political and social landscape.Signs of the Revolution of 1789 are everywhere in French life. For instance, the 14th July is a national holiday in France, known as Bastille Day, as it marks the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille. French citizens celebrate the event which signalled the beginning of the French Revolution which made for a fairer society in which all men are born equal.The French motto, too, has its origins in the French Revolution. The phrase ‘liberté, égalité, fraternité’ (liberty, equality, fraternity) was first used in a public context by Maximilien Robespierre in 1790 and has become a promin ent feature of French life in all aspects.If you enjoyed this article, why not check out our blog on French military history?

Private Tutoring at Home - How to Study Tips - Private Tutoring

Private Tutoring at Home - How to Study Tips BobbiM Sep 26, 2015 Yes, we all have more electronic gadgets than we can possible use in one day let alone at one time.  And there are very few of us that cant navigate around a keyboard.  However, when you are trying to study and learn a new topic your handwritten notes and study sheets are going to help you more than anything that youve typed. For whatever reason, one of the best ways to learn how to study is by taking pen or pencil to paper and writing out anything and everything related to your coursework, text or exam.  Theres something about that flow as I call it that makes your brain absorb and store what you are working on as well as learning at the time. So simply grab some paper, note cards, index cards and even sticky notes and use those to collect the main points or topics for whatever you are going to be writing or studying.  This extra effort even if your computer, phone or tablet are near at hand will benefit you more than you know and your grades will also reflect that as well.  And for those whose handwriting is tough, write it out once and then type it up into notes.  Or use a tablet like the Samsung Galaxy Note Pro    that comes with a stylus and can translate your handwriting into typed notes for you.  Its a more expensive option but effective as well. As weve said before, if you do this throughout the semester or year, youll be ready when exams or finals come around.  You wont have to cram or stay up for all nighters (unless you want to of course) trying to get prepped in time. If you enjoyed this post please pin it to Pinterest, share it on Twitter or Facebook and stumble it on Stumbleupon.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Yoga for Kids How It Can Help Your Child - ALOHA Mind Math

Yoga for Kids â€" How It Can Help Your Child Yoga came into vogue in the last couple of decades, and has been popular as a form of exercise for a while now. Some of you might be surprised to hear that it is not just adults who can benefit from Yoga, but children as well. If you’re wondering whether you need to go and start looking for that neighborhood Kids’ Yoga class, read on: Fitness: Other than the physical activity that children get from the playground and gym activities at school, they could be introduced to a refreshing way of getting fit through yoga. It would help in improving flexibility and muscular strength through the specific poses, when taught by an experienced instructor. Calming influence: Pranayama and other yoga techniques could be very useful for kids to deal with the stress they face in their daily lives. It would definitely help calm their minds and improve concentration and attention levels when at school as well. Teaches self-control: A regular practice of Yoga could help with teaching aspects of discipline and self-control to kids, to help them deal with their challenges related to fitness and even with behavioral issues. Helps special needs kids: It is important to note that Yoga has been known to help children with special needs too. This is because it helps them ease anxiety levels, while teaching aspects of discipline. It is important to find the right yoga instructor, so that your child enjoys the class and is not bored with just learning to strike one pose after another. Yoga sessions for children can be very interactive and a great experience for your child, to make him or her want to go back every time. About ALOHA Mind Math ALOHA Mind Math has been guiding children between the ages of five through 12 years to achieve academic excellence since 2007. The interactive learning process is proven to enhance a child’s math, reading and writing capabilities. The teachers also assist children in developing skills and abilities such as observation and listening that result in the overall growth of the child. ALOHA Mind Math is currently training children all over the United States of America with more than 150 centers. For more details on this unique program, please visitalohamindmath.comor search for the center closest to you by using our

American International in Egypt (Main Campus)

American International in Egypt (Main Campus) American International in Egypt (Main Campus) The American International School in Egypt has been one of Egypts leading schools since it opened its doors to its first 240 students in 1990. Today, AIS Egypt has two campuses, with a combined student population of over 2000 students. AIS Egypt is a member of Educational Services Overseas Limited (ESOL), a group of ten American and British schools spanning six countries and three continents. In partnership with the school community, our mission is to provide eligible students, primarily from the Middle East and living in the Greater Cairo area, with a challenging American and International college preparatory education. Our caring, professional faculty strive to empower our students to become critical, independent thinkers with the skills to be dynamic participants in an ever-changing global society. Fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools in Philadelphia, AIS Egypts American diploma is recognized by the Egyptian Ministry of Education as equivalent to the Egyptian General Secondary Certificate. Our International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB DP) is authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. Our American curriculum follows United States national standards as well as Virginia standards and is designed to prepare students for entry into highly competitive colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Middle East and beyond. During every step of our students academic journey we strive to provide the finest American educational instruction while cultivating a passion for learning, a capacity for critical thinking and a sense of civic responsibility. A tradition of educational excellence drives our future.


Homeschool Homeschool INCREDIBLE opportunity with an AMAZING family in GORGEOUS St. Lucia! Were looking for a happy, energetic, resourceful, creative, adventurous, educated/experienced, and kind homeschool teacher for our two young children (8 and 6). We are originally from New York City but moved to the beautiful island of St. Lucia 3 years ago. We LOVE it here but the school system is not up to our standards. So, were in need of someone who can really add not only the missing links in their education, but do so in a way thats exciting. This island is a hub of incredible resources- a perfect landscape to explore, play and learn. A little about us! Andrew is a musician and technology expert currently working as an technology consultant to clients around the world. When on the island hes most often kite-surfing. Rena worked for 10 years in the music biz and then received her LMSW from NYU. On the island, she spends her time hanging with her kids, playing music and painting. Elia (8 in Jan. 17) is very active, very inquisitive and very bright. He loves books, art, capoeira, fishing, and soccer. He considers himself a real island boi and loves to explore in nature. Bowie (6 in 17) is very funny, very kind and very creative. She too loves books, being a monkey (she climbs everything!), making up songs and dances and can get completely absorbed in her imaginative play. A little about St. Lucia. Well, its GORGEOUS (as already mentioned). Thepalm-fringed beaches, the incredible waterfalls, the miles of unspoiled rainforest, the majestic Piton Mountains, and the extremely friendly locals along with the opportunities for adventure, entertainment, and learning (as well as relaxation) makes this island one of the greatest destinations in the world. The job is offering $28k plus apartment plus car. We are looking for someone for whom English is a first language. Applicants should have at least 3 + years as an educator. They should be licensed with a degree in education. Thank you! We look forward to hearing from you!

The American School of Kuwait

The American School of Kuwait The American School of Kuwait The American School of Kuwait, founded in 1964, is an independent, co-educational, college preparatory school that follows an American curriculum and prepares its 2,037 students for entry into US colleges and universities. The American School of Kuwait operates with the approval of the State of Kuwait and is associated with the US State Department through the Office of Overseas Schools. The schools testing programs include the PSAT, SAT, ACT and MAP. The language of instruction is English and Arabic, while French and Spanish are taught as foreign languages. The elementary program features specialists in science, art, language, computer studies, music, drama and physical education. The middle school, which includes sixth through eighth grades, uses a comprehensive curriculum following a rotation schedule. The high school currently offers twenty AP courses. Guidance counselors are employed at each level. There are 183 full-time faculty members in the 2016-2017 school year, including 95 American and 31 Canadian citizens.